
  • Sales Engineer

    Are you a cheerful, emotionally intelligent, humorous and articulate person whom we are looking for?

    Do you really have a passion for marketing?

    Planck Consulting invites you to join us!

  • Salary

    Three-year full-time employment contract

    We will offer you a fat salary, push money and fringe benefits according to your contribution

    You will work on 66/F, Global Metropolis Plaza, 68 Huacheng Avenue, Guangzhou, a CBD. You will increase your self-worth and develop a high-quality client base here

    Here is a perfect working system, which will help to optimize your professional quality and marketing ability.

  • Requirements for Your Competence

    Bachelor’s degree or above

    More than three years of working experience

    Occupational experience in e-commerce, building materials or interior design

  • Your Job Responsibilities

    You will be responsible for client development and roadshow planning

    You will be responsible for following up relevant clients and closing the deal

    You will be responsible for collecting the information of patient clients and take responsibility for the working performance

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